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The BSC Guide to the Bayside Elections 2020

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Beaumaris Soccer Club is a non-political organisation. Our future as a healthy sports community club is however determined by the support we receive from Bayside City Council given that we lease most of the facilities from Council and require those facilities to be upgraded and maintained to be fit for purpose to offer boys and girls opportunity to participate in and enjoy teams sports. Our future is very much dependent on Council implementing the new sports pavilion approved earlier this year. Yet since that approval, some in our community have been actively working to have the pavilion decision overturned by appealing the decision to VCAT. And so this Council election is crucial to ensuring the much-needed pavilion is built without any further delay. With that purpose in mind, your Committee has reviewed the credentials of all candidates to establish a shortlist of those who will promote and support sporting interests in Bayside. There are around 60 candidates standing, many of whom do not live in the ward in which they are standing and who believe that organised sport takes up too much of our open space. There are also “dummy” candidates and single-interest group candidates who do not believe in the overall benefit of sport.  Some candidates have declared they support only “passive recreation” which means that reserves are available for use but not by organised community clubs. These candidates will actively work to derail the decision to build a new pavilion at the Reserve. After 11 years of lobbying for change your Committee is determined that this opportunity is not lost. Why does this matter? Our club’s values are predicated on our scarce and finite open space being a precious asset to be shared to benefit both passive and active users. Our community is stronger through the participation and engagement of children, parents and grandparents in our club contributing to all our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Never has that been so evident than in 2020. Our club’s values are founded on football being accessible to all ages, genders and abilities. Our existing facilities are patently inadequate and have never encouraged women and children to play the beautiful game. It’s time that is changed and with the Women’s World Cup to be hosted in Australia in 2023 it’s time for that wrong to be put right     The election timing On Tuesday 6 October the ballot pack mail-out begins and you will be able to mail your vote as electoral offices are closed due to the pandemic. Polling closes on Friday 23 October with the election results to be announced on Friday 13 November 2020 The candidates in each ward Beaumaris Soccer Club is not a political organisation but we know that this election is the most important in our history. We need all Bayside councillors to support to get the pavilion built and there are candidates who we can expect to support our cause and there are those we expect will not. For the first time, each ward will have only one councillor elected and so the following analysis may assist you in making your choice:      In Beckett ward (where the Beaumaris Reserve is located) candidate Crystal Cartwright will act to overturn the pavilion planning decision. She is affiliated to the Green Party. Likewise, Jenifer Randles is in favour of “passive open space” meaning no community sport. Only candidates Varsamis, Kalimnakis and Martin have declared they are pro-youth sport and Cllr Martin has voted in favour of building the new pavilion. In Bleazby (Brighton) candidate Kimber is a pro-youth sport. Candidate Grech is a declared conservationist favouring “passive use” only. In Boyd (Sandringham) candidate Harkin is in favour of youth sport and candidates Francis, Stitfold and Norris are against active community sport. As a previous councillor, Mr Norris voted against the Beaumaris pavilion upgrade. In Castlefield (Hampton) candidates Grinter and Tim Wood are in favour of youth sport and candidates Rothfield, Wood and Batt are declared conservationists favouring passive use only. Councillor Grinter voted in favour of the pavilion upgrade.   In Dendy (Brighton) candidates Lurie, Goldstadt and Farrugia are in favour of youth sport In Ebden (Black Rock) candidates Evans, Brown and Knight are pro-youth sport and candidates Maillard and Rubinov are declared conservationists favouring passive use only. Councillor Evans has voted in favour of the pavilion rebuild and has worked hard to ensure it is delivered. In Ivison (Highett) candidates Fitzpatrick and Dekiere are declared conservationists only candidate Johnson is pro upgrading sporting facilities Only candidates Martin, Evans, del Porto, Heffernan and Grinter voted in favour of the rebuilding of our sports pavilion and could be expected to do so again. Candidates Grinter, Evans, Martin, Johnson, Knight, Lurie, Kimber, Varsamis, Francis and Farrugia have declared they are pro-sport in the community. Candidates Cartwright, Randles, Fitzpatrick, Dekiere, Maillard, Rubinov, Rothfield, Batt, Wood, Grech, Stitfold and Norris will not give us any help in getting the new pavilion built. We ask all members to use their vote in support of the pavilion which Council have approved and is being delayed by the actions of one person who would deny children, and in particular all females, decent and appropriate facilities to exercise for their physical and mental well-being. This link allows you to understand your candidates declared agenda: The 2020 Council Elections could potentially see the election of an anti-sport council. Please use your vote to ensure this does not happen – our children deserve better. Beaumaris Soccer Club Committee October 2020


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