You can make a difference…
We are seeking volunteers for several new roles at Beaumaris Soccer Club which are essential to ensure the smooth running of our club. We need good people who can spare a few hours each week to make a difference for their children and our community. These roles are active from January to the end of August.
Team Registration: the person who supports the team coach in organising and communicating with parents on game day and training. The “go to” person for team managers. Typically, 2 hours per week managing emails and texts. The role requires:
Set up age groups in Team Management software and open the registration process by liaising with website manager.
Check each registration to ensure they have paid the correct amount and registered for the correct age group
Once registration approved allocate the player to their designated age group and produce age group lists for the Age Group Co-ordinators (AGCs).
Once the AGC’s advise their team listings, allocate those teams in the Team Management software by creating individual team names. These lists must be correct and updated as required.
Advise Facilities Manager of the finalised teams and age groups by the due date so plans can be made for training and game day schedules.
Assist Junior Director of Football with team communications member email enquiries.
Process and organise refunds for de-registrations.
Update Coach and Team Managers contact lists.
Organise Team Managers Information night
Organise Team Photo sessions at season end
2. Event Day support: The Club organises 3 events per season. Now that we have access to the new Pavilion, we need volunteers to work with our Event Manager to help set up and organise the event. We also welcome new ideas for fundraising activities.
3. Canteen Manager and support: the canteen will operate Saturday and Sundays from 9am to 4.30pm. We need people who are willing to provide a few hours of their time to give a warm welcome for all who visit the canteen. We are also looking for a canteen manager, preferably someone with hospitality experience, to assist in training volunteers to use our new kitchen equipment and facilities.
4. Facilities Manager: this role focuses on the management of BSC grounds at Reserve Road, Balcombe Park and the Beaumaris Secondary College and involved liaison with Bayside City Council and the MCC. The specific tasks to manage are:
Communicate ground allocations to BSC Junior and Senior Directors of Football and website manager.
Application to Council for pre-season training access to Reserve and Balcombe Park and winter tenancy
Compile pre-season training schedule for all teams. Ensure teams are entered into all pre-season and FV competitions
Compile competition games and training schedules for team managers
Complete Pavilion pass application to council and arrange for collection of passes by nominated owners
Arrange for the erection and dismantling of portable goals and for pitches to be measured and marked out
Check fixtures to ensure no clashes and apply to FV for amendments if needed
Prepare the weekly fixture list and distribute to coaches and team managers every Friday.
Prepare referee cash payment fees and deliver to the pavilion by 8am on Saturdays.
Respond to member email enquiries on fixtures.
Liaison with Football Victoria on fixtures.
5. Kit Manager: Beauy will be ordering new kit for all teams for the coming 2023 season. This role is to coordinate kit management by:
Ordering and distributing balls, bibs and cones to coaches and team managers.
Once team registration is finalised process orders with the kit supplier. All kit will be sent directly by the supplier to the member’s home address
Distribute team match books (U12’s and older) and medical kits to team managers
Collect all equipment at the end of the season and organise into storage
Your club only succeeds because of the many people who do volunteer their time and expertise and your assistance in performing these duties would be appreciated. If you have skills and can spare some time to perform any one of these roles, we would love to hear from you to help us Make A Difference
Joe Mottola President M:0425 800 736
Gert Gratz Events Manager M:0438 722 775