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The Votes Are In! Pavilion Update Match Report

In the final leg of the Pavilion Cup your Beauy committee had to sit and watch as Bayside City councillors played a rematch, the prize being the award of the contracts to build the new pavilion in 2021 ready for the 2022 season.

Having spent years preparing for this game, with the planning round going to extra time with an appeal to VCAT overruled, this round should have been a formality. But nothing is certain with this Council, with 4 new players on the field, and these same players having overturned the Elsternwick Park oval pavilion only last week anything could happen.

Your intrepid Committee had spoken to councillors before the whistle blew to ensure all were informed of the importance of the result, in particular councillor Jo Samuel King from East Brighton who decided that the

previous 11 years of lobbying, consultation and compromise didn't matter and yet again the participation of female players should be stopped because a tea tree was more important than their physical and mental well-being.

The whistle blew, and the goals poured in with Martin, Evans, del Porto, Stitfold, el Moullem and even Castelli hitting the back of the net before JSK scored a spectacular own goal trying to dent an unstoppable shot from your committee.

The match was won, final score 6-1, sanity and reason prevailed. Just as well as the Beauy crowd were ready to act. We can look forward to 21 with hope and expectation


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