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Football Victoria - Juniors Return to Play - 24/06/2020

This is a summary of the Football Victoria document. The most up to date information can be found on there website or at


Football Victoria’s priority is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the football

community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal and Victorian State governments have announced a roadmap to cautiously reintroduce football in a staged approach. The first stage was a limited return to training. The second stage extended the number of players who could train. The third stage now splits player activity based on age.

This document outlines the conditions that must be met during this stage in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 in line with Federal and Victorian State government guidance.

Breach of these conditions may void your insurance policies under the national insurance program, may be dealt with under FV’s Grievance, Disciplinary and Tribunal Bylaw, and may incur substantial fines under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2018. Clubs must source written approval from the landowner eg Council, before training commences.

Key Changes:


Groups of up to 10people outdoors spread out around the ground/venue


Full contact in training and matches (including friendlies)


Competitive matches


Clubrooms, changerooms and showers can reopen


Limited to normal squad sizes

Prior to Training

You must not attend training if in the past 14 days you:

  • Have been unwell or had any flu-like symptoms;

  • Are living with a diagnosed person;

  • Have been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19;

  • Have had any respiratory symptoms (even if mild); or

  • Are at a high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions

It is the responsibility of the club to monitor players on arrival and the individual to self assess if they should attend. Those with even mild symptoms are strongly encouraged

to get tested.

Hygine Protocols: Individuals

  • Wash hands with hand sanitiser immediately before and after trainingand during scheduled breaks in training

  • Not spit at any time

  • Not share drink bottles and clearly label their own bottle

  • Take their training bib or any other items worn/used during training, home to wash individually

  • Carry hand sanitiser in order to enable good personal hygiene

  • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze and place tissues directly in bins

  • Avoid the use of public toilets, however if necessary, ensure hands are washed thoroughly

  • Not share pens or clip boards

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

  • Ensure not more than 1 person per toilet facility at any one time

  • Are encouraged to shower at home to avoid congestion at facilities

Hygine Protocols: Clubs

  • Facilities are cleaned at least twice daily when in use, with communal facilities and contact surfaces disinfected.

  • All equipment and objects are wiped down after each training session with appropriate anti-bacterial/disinfectant wipes or soap

  • Regular and thorough hand washing is promoted via prominent signage (including at entry and exit points – to be marked as such) around the venue.

  • Prominent signage (including at entry and exit points to be marked as such) around the venue instructing people when not to attend training

  • Hand sanitiser dispensers are provided in prominent places around the venue (including entry and exit points) and are regularly refilled

  • Soap dispensers in toilets are regularly refilled

  • Bins are provided around the venue and regularly emptied

  • Prominent signage that not more than 1 person is permitted per toilet facility at any one time

Training Protocols: Player/Spectator

  • You must not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to training commencing

  • You must not congregate at the entry point

  • You must bring your own drink bottles clearly labelled. No sharing of drink bottles is permitted

  • Only those necessary to support participation should attend training and must abide by gathering restrictions.

  • Spectators should be in groups of no more than 10 and spread out around the ground or venue. The group of 10 does not include those necessary for the activity to occur, such as the referee or trainer and a parent or carer supporting a person with a disability to participate.

  • You must follow the hygiene protocols in this document - regular breaks will to be provided for the purpose of rehydrating and hand sanitising

  • Physical distancing of 1.5 metres must be maintained (with the exception of a parent/carer supporting a person with disability)

  • No heading of the ball can take place during training

  • Activity must be non-contact eg no tackling, no heading, no handshakes, high fives or similar

  • Handling of equipment must be minimized eg no throw in’s

  • Sharing of equipment must be minimised

  • No use of shared equipment that touches the head or face or cannot be effectively cleaned i.e. soft materials or clothing

  • Attendees are encouraged to provide your details including full name, FFA number, phone number, date and time of attendance, and confirmation whether you have downloaded COVIDSafe, to the coach/club official for the purposes of contact tracing.

  • You must take your training bib, kit or any other items worn/used during each training session, home to wash individually

  • You must leave the venue immediately once training has concluded - no social activity is to occur

  • Players are to leave the venue in a staged approach, with sessions concluding in a clockwise manner

This document is current as at 24 June 2020 and effective from 24 June 2020.

To download and read the whole document head to, or click here.


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